As time goes by, ignorant me almost forgotten about my blog’s 1st year old Birthday! ^^ Happy Birthday! *to my own blog* lol
It’s been a year since I started Serene’s Silent Secrets, and I met a lot of new bloggers friends, blogged about some stuff, earned just a bit only *poor me* and slowly increasing my own traffic 😀 Hope I can improve in blogging and bringing you all a pleasant reading haha.. *Though I may be lazy some times hehe.. Gomen gomen :P* No birthday cake btw, even the virtual ones lol
Happy Birthday Serene’s Silent Secrets!!! 😀
Last day for my contest, pls vote for me ! Thank u!
Happy Birthday to your blog… =D
ecchi. happy bubutday
@eunice, ToMCaT and stewie : Thanks ^^ lol Where’s my birthday presents ><
happy birthday blog!
@rain : Serene’s Silent Secrets said thank you ^^ She wants her presents 😛