FREE Tickets to Life of Pi

Came across an announcement on movie tickets redemption for the movie Life of Pi , FREEEEEE! It has quite an interesting story and beautiful graphics in the film~ (Read on on how to redeem)

In his gently astonishing new film, Life of Pi, adapted from Yann Martel’s 2001 bestseller, director Ang Lee melds so many disparate elements – Aesopian fable and cutting-edge 3D technology, east and west, young and old – that he may have just succeeded in rebranding himself as the Obama of world cinema. The fiercely urgent candidate of 2008, of course, not the stealth version currently working the stump.

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Nice Dog Lover’s Movie : A Tale of Ululu’s Wonderful Forest

Recently watched a very nice and kawaiiii touching movie called A Tale of Ululu’s Wonderful Forest aka Ururu no Mori no Monogatari in Japanese. If you are a dog lover, you’ll definitely love this movie, teaches us the love of a family and human’s moral values~ I cried during touching moments, dam the music is tooo influential :’D And the puppy is so dam cuteeeeeeeee~~~ Especially with its BIG puppy eyes awwwwwww <3

[Click the pic for the original poster size of the movie]


A brother and sister leave the big city to live with their veterinarian father when their mother is hospitalized Continue reading

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